Monday, July 2, 2012

Shishkebab is Easy! Just Marinate and Penetrate!

Shishkebab really is simple to prepare, but there are a few handy tips that can help:

If using wooden or bamboo skewers, soak them in lukewarm water for at least 30 minutes  - this will make them burn less on the grill so the ends don't break off when you handle them. Also, try going for double penetration. (ha)

Using two skewers for each gives more strength, and the food won't spin around when you move them.

Beef shishkebab needs to be cooked on high heat for 20 minutes, flipping once. Some veggies will accomodate this timeframe - onions, tomatoes, mushrooms.  Denser veggies like peppers or eggplant should be briefly boiled before skewering. Try shaking veggies in a plastic bag with a splash of salad dressing or white wine to give them a little zest.

Side dish suggestion: cold Greek Pasta Salad.

1 box orzo
1 pkg frozen spinach, defrosted and drained.
1 bottle caesar salad dressing (not creamy)
feta, green olives, tomatoes to taste

Cook orzo, rinse with cold water and drain well. Add remaining ingredients. Let blend in fridge for a couple hours.

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