Hooray for corned beef season! I don't celebrate St.Patrick's Day, but do appreciate the time of year when the grocery store is stocking large corned beefs.

There are several ways to cook a corned beef , or any other corned -
which means marinated in brine - meats that you might have. Corned venison is a good example. Corning is used on meats that have a lot of connective tissue, which is what makes them have a tough texture. The
brining step helps break down that connective tissue, but the meat still needs to be cooked after.
Corned meats can be boiled, slow-cooked in a crock pot, or tenderized in a pressure cooker. I am a pressure-cooker user so that is my preferred method. The meat and spices are brought to 15 lbs of pressure for 1 hour; by then the meat is cooked thoroughly but not quite finished.

The key to tender, flavorful corned beef is to
roast the meat after the liquid-cooking stage. Regardless of how you boil your beef, you will get a better end result if you slice it into a baking pan and roast at 350 for about a half hour. The slices can be just rough slabs - enough to allow the heat to get to the remaining connective tissue.

Bake until the meat surfaces are sizzling hot and the edges are a little crispy. Turn slices and roast for another 8-10 minutes. This brings out the natural sugars in the meat and the end result is savory and flavorful.
With pressure-cooker methods, the meat is cooked first and then removed. The veggies are then added to the broth left in the cooker, and brought to pressure for 10 minutes. This is the perfect timeframe for roasting the meat.
If you use a boiling method, leave the veggies in the pan to stay hot while you roast the meat.
I like the way the pressure cooker cooks all the veggies to the ideal softness all at the same time. As soon as the veggies are done and the meat is roasted, serve with dijon mustard.